Monday, March 2, 2009

Beating the Winter Blues

So in a totally non-fiber related post (did you see that I still got the word "fiber" in!) it is now March. Many other places it is already getting warm, or they know that warmth is on the horizon. We up here in the AK still have a good couple of months before it will truly be warm. So for this short and simple post I have a short question.....

How do you beat the winter blues?

or if you don't like that one...

What is your favorite thing to do inside?


  1. I wish I had some winter words of comfort for the great white north...but when I pushed aside some leaf debris yesterday, I noticed that my crocus are gonna be blooming any day now!!!!! Also, my mimosa trees that have been in the "sun" room all winter have green leafs sprouting...sorry!!

    Guess you can guess who this is!

  2. Hmmm...beating the winter blues is always a challenge and all I can do is keep busy. I just start a whole bunch of projects and see what happens with them :) Some get done fast, others sit and wait for me to come back to them when the fun of the others wane.

    favorite thing to do inside has to be watching a movie and cooking. Preferably together because I like putting the meal together while having something on in the background and then sitting down to enjoy the meal and rest of the movie. Well, that and spinning and knitting :)
