Friday, May 22, 2009

Dinner, Knitting, and Dessert

Yes that's right! Three things that make me very happy!

Two friends came over for a delightful & tasty dinner of BBQ Country Style Pork ribs (YUM), potato salad, sweet corn, and beans. It was delish and and a fun start to the evening.

We then went off for a night of knitting at Far North Yarn Company. This is my second time coming and it was fun but I know I need to get out there a little more....I am not very good at inserting myself into a group. I all but cast off the first yoga sock that I am working on! I am excited about these as I think they will be perfect to wear with my sandals at sock summit looking pretty snazzy while keeping my feet cool considering it will be August. There was lots of sock knitting going on and I loved seeing some of the different patterns and yarns being used!

Dessert was a great finale at Sugar Spoon a relatively new place in the Spenard area (we walked from Far North) that serves dessert and coffee! I will definitely be back. We all dined on S'more cake - I was even a good wife and brought some home for John (big kudo's to him for being off work and staying home with the kiddo's).

All in all it added up to a pretty fun and satisfying evening!! Hope there are many more Friday's like it to come!


  1. Hey! I'm emwall24 on Ravelry, just thought I'd stop and say hi. I've been reading your blog for awhile now. My husband and I hope to live in Alaska one day, so I love hearing about it (I know it's not so very different from the rest of the states...but it just seems so far away and I've never been there!).

  2. Hey there!! You should visit - it really is an amazing place!! Sometimes the winters seem a little long but the summers are amazing!! Thanks for reading :)
